Solar Panel Scams And How To Avoid Them

solar panel scams and how to avoid them

Being scammed is probably one of the worst experiences you can ever go through. The last thing anyone needs is to get scammed while trying to complete a home improvement project. This is why you need to be very careful when installing solar on your home. Unfortunately, there are lots of solar panel scams. If you don’t do your research to ensure that whoever you are working with is a reliable supplier, there’s a chance that you will lose your hard-earned money to crooks. Here are some solar panel scams and how you can avoid them.


High-Pressure Sales Tactics


Installing solar panels on your home is a significant investment. Like any other investment, it’s crucial to take time to ensure that you are making the right move. Once you are sure that installing solar on your home is the best move, you will also need to take your time and shop around. As you are doing this, beware of companies that pressure you to commit on the same day. Instead, work with companies that allow you enough time to make the right decision.


A reliable and trustworthy solar panel provider will give you all the resources you need to figure out the best solar system for your home without pressuring you to decide prematurely. One of the signs of a reliable solar provider is a willingness to work with you and educate you on all things solar. On the other hand, Scammers are impatient, and they want you to make a financial commitment before you even understand how solar works.


Fake Government or Utility Representatives


This is another popular solar panel scam. Sometimes, scammers will pose as utility companies or government representatives. To try and entice you into giving them money, these scammers will offer you unrealistic discounts or paybacks that are non-existent. If someone claiming to be a government or utility company representative approaches you offering you a chance to receive a tax credit or other solar-related financial benefit from the government or utility companies, ask them to show you the research. And even if they do, take time to ensure that the research applies to you.


A legitimate company or government representative will take time to show you why the solar panel deals they are offering cost the way they do and why you, in particular, might be eligible for tax breaks. Keep in mind that real discounts and tax breaks do exist. These aren’t scams, and they are a way to incentivize you to get solar. The important thing is to tell the difference between legit offers and scams.


Unrealistically Low Prices


If you feel like the offer you have been given is too good to be true, chances are you are dealing with a scam. Scammers usually combine high-pressure sales tactics and too-good-to-be-true solar panel prices. In most instances, companies that do this will skip town as soon as they receive payment. However, they can also deliver high-quality solar panels but skip out in other areas. To avoid getting scammed this way, you should take time to research and find out how much solar should cost you on average.


The worst scammers will leave town without delivering anything. Others can do half of the work and leave without completing the project. Fortunately, nowadays, disgruntled customers usually leave negative reviews online. This is why you should go through a company’s reviews and testimonials before buying solar products from them. If you notice many negative reviews and complaints, it’s a good idea to stay as far away from that company as you can.


These are some of the signs that you are dealing with a scammer. Apart from the signs listed above, you should also avoid companies that push to start projects without a contract. This is a huge red flag.


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